About Us

Teachers’ Professional Résumés works with education professionals to create dynamic job applications and prepare for interview. Since 1990 we have worked with thousands of teachers in all states and school systems across Australia.

We have a strong working knowledge of the recruitment processes used by state systems and private schools across Australia. This includes:

  • CV layout,

  • Résumé content,

  • Selection criteria, and

  • Interview requirements.

This detail forms the basis of our Online Packages, and is now available to aspiring leaders in most states. We also provide workshops, held at regular intervals throughout the year in New South Wales.


Rick Bowman, Director

Director of Teachers’ Professional Résumés, Rick Bowman is a former principal, deputy principal, head of department and classroom teacher. Graduating from Sydney University in 1973, Rick has a Bachelor of Science and Master of Education (Admin.), is a Member of the Australian College of Educators, and a Fellow and Councillor of the Australian Institute of Management. He has also written several mathematics textbooks and is the author of the widely acclaimed Algebra Toolbox suite of resources.

About the product

Teachers’ Professional Résumés provides a range of products and services to suit the needs of aspiring school leaders in all states and education systems across Australia. These include: